Saw Confessions of a Shopaholic this weekend and loved it. Cute movie, although it made me feel really guilty about shopping and having credit cards and just wanting things in general.
I would like to say that I am totally awestruck by the color/length/texture/condition of Isla Fisher's hair. If you opened a dictionary and looked up "Perfect Hair", I really believe this picture should be there.
In my next life, I'd want to be born a natural redhead because I truly believe that no dye job could replicate such an amazing color. I was a redhead for about two months and the color looked good about 20% of the time, depending on the lighting in the room. In the bright summer sunlight it was a little scary. It also took so much dye that my ends were frazzled and frizzy and any girl who has colored their hair red knows that red conceals NO damage. In fact, it magnifies every split end every frizzy strand you have. Not good.
Technically speaking, it should have worked. I have some freckles, the pale skin, the light brows, and a very skilled haircolorist - what went wrong I will never know. I guess I'm just meant to be brunette...
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