Saturday, April 4, 2009

hopeless hair? try this...

Ladies, picture this disaster: 98% humidity and hair that has been through a sweaty workout and hasn't been washed in three days. If it sounds disgusting and unattractive, well, it really was.

I thought my greasy roots and dry, frizzy ends were unable to be salvaged or whipped into something half decent. I had 20 minutes to get ready to go to a bar last night - not nearly enough time to shampoo, condition, and blow-dry. I had to resort to other measures. 

As I nervously fished through my selection of hair concoctions I found something I forgot I had: Bumble and bumble Surf Spray. I took it home from the beauty closet one day because it's a hairstylist and celeb favorite, but never knew what to do with it. Well, last night was the night to experiment. There wasn't even a chance I could "mess up" because my hair couldn't look any worse.

I sprayed this all over but kept it away from my roots, then I twirled and twisted random pieces. Miraculously, I was left with those sexy, ropy waves. When I first sprayed it on, it was almost a little greasy but then it dries and felt like I spent an entire day at the beach in the salt water (surfing, I suppose). No frizz, no grease - just wavy, pretty perfection.  

So, my hair looked BETTER last night than it does when it's freshly washed. This is MAJOR - you all know how much I detest spending time on my hair.  

Thank you, Surf Spray, for giving my pathetic, gross mop an instant makeover!

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