Tuesday, May 26, 2009

my beauty products take a hike

I went hiking this weekend, and in the days leading up to my journey, I was nervous. I don't often go outdoors without makeup or smooth, groomed hair so the thought of me in the woods with nothing but a fanny pack full of granola bars, sunscreen, and a map put me in a mini state of panic. I had two options: leave fanny pack as is, bring Chapstick, and grin and bare the fugliness that would appear in pictures OR bring the my usual touch-up kit which includes lip balm, lip gloss, eyeliner, MAC blot powder, mini comb, hand sanitizer, hair ties, and oil-blotting sheets and risk losing it all on the Appalachian Trail. Against my will, I chose the former.

You know what? It wasn't all that bad. I was having so much fun being "one with nature" I didn't notice that my hair was frizzy, my face shiny, and my lips colorless. Besides, I decided in the end it would have looked a million times more ridiculous if, there I was, standing amongst the trees and bugs with a face full of makeup and perfectly "done" hair.

Have you ever been in a situation that required you to give up your usual beauty routine? One place that gets me squeamish every year is the beach. The whole sand-in-face and knotty, salt water hair look never really worked for me, but I guess it all comes down to this: if you're having fun, who cares what you look like?

1 comment:

  1. The ski slope, definitely. You're freezing, chapped, have hat hair/goggles hair, and when you hit the lodge, you hesitate to remove anything because it will be a scary sight.
