Tuesday, May 12, 2009

brows that wow with RAMY

You may have heard of the Hollywood eyebrow guru named RAMY. Yes, he's plucked and shaped many a celebrity brow and now he can makeover yours: RAMYSPA in NYC's Murray Hill is hosting "Brow-nanza" every Thursday night this summer, so you can walk in and have your brows done by the R-man himself for a discounted price. Oh yeah, there's champagne and sweets involved, too. I don't know what makes me happier - getting groomed or filling my tummy with a little bubbly and some sugar. Considering the normal price of Ramy's services is $75 and you don't get fed, the combo of both is a pretty sweet deal.

I've had the personal pleasure of getting my brows tamed by RAMY and I must say, I had the most attractive 3 weeks of my life afterwards. It looked like I had a facelift - my eyes looked bigger and more almond-shaped, my face slimmer, my cheekbones higher. He also transformed them from their usual ashy-brown sparseness to a more noticeable color to complement my hair. The man is a brow GOD.

Have fun!

39 East 31st Street
New York, NY 10016P
Phone: 212-684-9500

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