Monday, March 23, 2009

the mini-mes of beauty

You know what I love? Cute little beauty products. Not only are they conveniently sized for portability, but they remind me of packing for vacations - which I don't do very often. It's feels great to purchase, let's say, a tiny tube of Crest to make me feel like I'm going to Aruba for a few days.

But there's another thing that travel-sized items are great for. Sometimes I'll head to the drugstore and buy a little bottle of something just to try it out before buying the full-sized version. For example, I once purchased this itty bitty Soft and Dri deodorant because it claimed to not leave white residue on clothing. It was a clear gel formula, which I had never tried before. Well, it's a good thing I only spent 99 cents on it because upon application my poor pits felt like they were rubbed with chilled hair gel - cold, wet, and sticky. Do people actually use and like this stuff? Maybe I was just accustomed to my Secret solid that I've been using since I was 12.

Yet another reason to heart little beauty products: I have something I like to call Beauty ADD. I have never EVER finished a full-size beauty product in my entire life. If I'm lucky, I'll use 75% of it, and in the trash it goes. Even if I love what I'm using, I always feel like there's gotta be something better out there. I love trying new things.

I'm curious to hear if anyone else secretly likes miniature beauty loot. It's one of my biggest drugstore weaknesses (aside from the aisle that sells those big bags of sour gummy worms - yum) and I really wish they made miniature sizes of every single beauty product in existence. A girl can dream...

1 comment:

  1. I love Sephora for the mini skin care and fragrance samples (though, only if you can lasso in a nice and helpful salesperson!) I'm just like you—I almost never finish a beauty product, love trying new things, but also because I want to conserve it! I love Philosophy salt scrubs and have three, but I don't want to run out. And then it dries up. Bummer.
