Friday, March 27, 2009

soft skin for free!

Every year at the same time (late March, early April) I start getting a little scared. Not really for me, but for people that have to see me bear arms...and legs...when the temp rises.

Honestly, I'm not a total disaster this year compared to years past because back in December I decided to take preventative measures. For example, I've done my fair share of exfoliating and self tanning lately so I'm not as pasty pale and dry as I typically am. I'm quite proud of myself that I've maintained normal grooming rituals throughout the winter.

Even though I'm a product junkie, I found that making my own body scrub at home is the best way to exfoliate the skin. You'd be surprised how many nourishing and moisturizing ingredients are found in your very own kitchen. All I use are two simple ingredients: brown sugar and olive oil. Brown sugar smells nice and sweet and is more gentler on your skin than salt is, and the olive oil will really sink into the skin and moisturize it (baby oil - a.k.a. mineral oil - will not). First, pick a jar, any jar. Pour 1/2 cup of brown sugar and 5 tablespoons of olive oil into it, mix together with a spoon. If your skin is sensitive, wet it before applying the scrub. Then start scrubbing your arms, torso, legs, and feet in circular motions and with light pressure - don't vigorously scrub or you'll create micro-tears in your skin which isn't good.

After exfoliating, apply a moisturizer with a touch of self tanner in it to give your skin a bit of color. Try Nivea Sunkissed Firming lotion to give your skin a glow without stinking like self-tanner.

The moral of the story? Save your money on a scrub and go buy a pretty sundress instead!

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